

许可经营项目:无 一般经营项目:制造、销售金属制品,金属材料(不含稀贵金属),电器,电子仪器仪表,建材,机械(不含发动机),钢家具,户外休闲运动器材及设备;销售化工产品(不含化学危险品);景观策划及设计、家庭装饰设计;房屋中介;提供相关咨询服务。[经营范围中属于法律、行政法规禁止的不得经营;法律、行政法规规定须经批准的项目,应当依法经过批准后方可经营]


重庆博迪机电有限责任公司是一家专业生产滑草器材、滑雪器材、滑雪周边设备,休闲户外运动器材产品,代理销售滑雪场进口设备、设施的专业厂商。 重庆博迪机电有限责任公司与冰雪设备资深企业"加拿大双威力国际有限公司"代理合作近12年历程(美国SMI造雪机、加拿大庞巴迪雪地摩托及ATV、意大利普瑞诺斯压雪车),并建立独家在西南地区的代理关系,负责中国大陆西南地区及周围12个省份的造雪机、雪地摩托、压雪车、ATV的销售权。 公司具有很强的研发能力和生产能力。一直以来为国内外客户提供优质产品和服务,深受广大客户的好评,目前我公司业务遍及大江南北,与全国各大滑草场、滑雪场建立良好的合作关系 公司开发生产的滑草器材(滑草器、滑草车、滑草船、滑草自行车等)、滑雪场周边设备(雪犁,烘鞋机,雪板修理机),和户外健身运动休闲设施器材(公共场所户外健身器材),凭借高品质的产品质量和优质到位的售前,售后服务,在国内外市场享有盛誉。为进一步完善业务种类方便客户,代理台湾、大陆高品质悠波球,冲锋舟等充气类产品,同时,公司承接滑雪场、滑草场的规划设计,希望通过我们真诚的合作,使你的事业飞黄腾达。 重庆博迪机电有限责任公司!资深体育、健身、休闲、娱乐产品专业厂商CHONGQING BODI, Co., Ltd. (CHONGQING BODI) is the premier supplier of authentic and innovative products. Discover the latest high quality outdoor equipments specializing in grass skiing, snow skiing, as well as related outwear and accessories. The company also plays a vital role as an agency focusing on importing skiing equipments.CHONGQING BODI has relatively strong R&D and productivity capabilities, as a result the product find a good sale in all parts of the world. Over the past years, the steady, safe and durable products have been well received by domestic and international customers. At present, CHONGQING BODI has successfully penetrated their business into Chinese market and has initially cooperated with many skiing resorts and grass skiing fields. Moreover, the company obtains the dealership of sale of Zorb Ball, assault boat and relevant equipments from both Taiwan and mainland. In addition, CHONGQING BODI has confidence to accomplish the planning programme in skiing resorts and grass skiing fields.


地址:中国 重庆 重庆 北碚区 双元大道90号
电话:86 023 68290264/13983099483
传真:86 023 68290263

